It shall be the Mission of the Yakama Nation General Council Executive Board to protect and uphold the Treaty of 1855.
The General Council Executive Board provides oversight, monitoring and follow-up to the General Council mandates on behalf of the Yakama Nation. They prepare the Annual/Special General Council meeting agenda. They provide annual reports to all Yakama enrolled membership in attendance at the annual meetings that are held yearly during the last week of November. They stay abreast of the current activities of the Nation. They attend monthly Tribal Council sessions, budget & finance meetings and any other important committee meetings they are invited to, so that they may stay up to date on current actions and decisions of the Tribal Council. Above all and most important they are here to help and protect the sovereignty and assets of the Yakama Nation.
Responsible for the correct count of enrolled members at the Annual and Special General Council meetings. Counters must be familiar with the Yakama Nation members and utilize the official enrollment list when needed. They must also notify the sergeant-at-arms of any enrollment questions or incidents that may hamper the official count.
The two sergeant-at-arms are responsible for the physical control of the meeting. Any incident that requires their attention will be so noted by the Chairman or any other elected official or member of the Yakama Nation. They must contain good physical control of the meeting. They have the right to request enrollment cards if uncertain of enrollment status or age of an individual.
The interpreters have the responsibility of interpreting from the Yakama Language to English and English to Yakama. They must interpret correctly to the best of their ability at all times. They are required to be at all of the Annual and Special General Council meetings. Many of you know we have different dialects of the Yakama Language and appreciate the hard work of our Yakama interpreters. We encourage our tribal members to listen to the interpreters and to pick up on the words of our beautiful Yakama Language.